There is always the saying floating around, "Nothing
worth having comes easy." I believe in this statement whole-heartily. To
obtain anything worth having takes determination, perseverance, and sheer will,
but not in the way you expect. You must have the determination to hope and pray
for what you want. You must have the perseverance to prevail in what you need
and hope for. And you must have the will to see it done when it comes across
your path. You cannot search for something you wish to obtain, but trust in the
fact that if you want it badly enough and if it was meant to be then it will
become yours. Chasing something will only make it run faster away, slipping
through your fingers as you desperately cleave to it. You must wait patiently
for it to flutter into your hand, and then and only then, can you hold onto it.
Fight for it. Cherish it. But never smother it. It is like a butterfly, gently
resting upon your palm. If you smother it, it will only want to fly away more.
If you tend to it, and care for it, it will find a loving home upon your hand.
...and how did the movie handle this idea? Which character was your inspiration for this post?